Chose agro-touristic lodging and experience agricultural life at first hand. You could bake bread, drink milk straight from the cow or try home made cheese. You may have an opportunity to help around the farm. Countryside will show you natural environment, local character and hospitality.
Slovinski National Park is included in UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves, because of its unusual natural diversity. Slovinski National Park is famous for its moving dunes, lakes, forests, peat bogs and marshes.
Included in UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves, because of its unusual natural diversity. Slovinski National Park is famous for its moving dunes, lakes, forests, peat bogs and marshes.
Attract visitors not only in the high tourist season. Romantic strolls, air filled with beneficial iodine, are just a few of many advantages of beaches in Łeba, Stilo or Lubiatowo.
Clean water, exceptional shape of the lake upland make it irresistible for tourists, it’s also fishing paradise !
Is an area protected for its natural, historical, scenic and cultural values. Numerous of postglacial lakes are its great natural asset. Lakes connected by rivers, create one of Poland most beautiful waterways.
A part of Slovinski National Park, the largest lake along the Polish coast, the thirds largest lake overall.
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